Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Egyptians

on a serious note i have been so out of touch with the current events going on in the world, because i have been lost in facebook, twitter, netflix and my DVR that i didn't even know till a couple of days ago that Egypt is going through a crisis right now..... they are fighting for their rights and their freedom!!!!!

 its making me step back and appreciate what i have and how i/we as a people (not just black, but women, other minorities and even rights of some white people) have fought so hard for what we believe.  freedom is the best gift we can all appreciate and i am glad that the egyptians are standing up and fighting the good fight. 

Egypt has a corrupt government, the military is killing and torturing protesters, they have no LGBT rights (which is punishable by death, prison, or fines), they have inflated prices of food and other products, they have most control over the profits of the big business there and are actually controlling the media (shutting down the internet and even shutting down telephone service) trying to make the revolutionists silent!!!

keep fighting egypt..... keep fighting....

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